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Rabu, 13 Juni 2012


Nowadays, many people say looking for hard work. Aja undergraduate work hard to find, let alone who just graduated from high school, let alone who did not finish high school, and so on ....

Actually it was hard to tell ourselves. The proof is on the other hand, companies trouble even looking the employees, to be placed in vacant positions in the company.

In newspapers and job websites, the evidence is never lonely with a job name. Well that is it, sigh job search easy, but that is not easy to find a job according to what we wanted.

Many people today who want instant way to achieve that dream job. Right out of college, just wanted to be a manager ...

Please ... humans do sometimes see the delicious pleasure only. I tell you fathers, mothers who readers of this blog .... success of those we see it is 10% of the process to success. Which 90% were stages to success, how to toil, and work hard and tirelessly to bring success. But sometimes people do not even care about the 90% that.

Many jobs, but we are picky. We do not want to be marketing, we want to be a office boy ga, we do not want to work under 1 million salary, and all sorts of other reasons.

So Do not tell me it's hard to find work, but we venture just got a job as we want, though off to a job that does not exist in our dreams.

Okay ... for job seekers, Cheer on!! And do not leave God in our dreams, for he will also play lead us to success the dream ....

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