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Rabu, 13 Juni 2012


Latin name                  : Petaurus Breviceps
Origin location            : Indonesia, Australia, Papua.
Agency                       : 12.7cm , Tail: 15cm
Weight                        : Male140g Female120g
Age Adults                 : Males 6 months; Females 7-15 months
Number of children     : 1-2, 3 tail could in rare
Pregnancy                   : 14-16 days
Breeding season          : there is no particular season
Food                           : Elm Sap, Pollen, Honey, Insect

Sugar gliders are marsupial mammals, such as the kangaroo. Marsupial mammals spend only a short time in the development of the mother's abdomen and is very small at birth. After birth, the baby will crawl into the pouch marsupial mother and mother's milk through the feeding and growing and growing.There are still many people who do not understand and know the animals will be called with this sugar
glider.Sugar glider itself is native to Indonesia, namely in the area of ​​Irian. Deployment include Australia, Irian Jaya and Papua New Guinea. Abroad, especially in America, the sugar glider itself has become an exotic animal pets are much in demand. Even many of the breeders who are successful and produce a new color strain2. Meanwhile, ironically, sugar glider in Indonesia itself has not been known by the public. These animals are not among the protected animals.
Sugar gliders own name was originally derived from the Sugar because these animals are very happy with honey or something sweet. While the glider comes from the membrane that exist on both sides of body used for gliding (flying) from one tree to another tree. Many people when I first saw Sugar Glider call it a flying squirrel or footpads. Though both are different subclasses. Sugar glider itself is classified in the class of mammals, but is marsupilia animals (marsupials). Besides these animals is also a nocturnal animal, where they are active only at night and spend time in the day to sleep in the nest.

Natural habitat is the forest area, especially at peak of tree where they could find a hole to make a nest. Sugar glider itself classified as omnivores (eating everything). The original sugar glider habitat typically consume nectar (flower pollen), fruits, and various insects. Not infrequently the young birds were also targeted them. Sugar gliders are social animals that live in colonies / groups. Therefore, for a sugar glider nurture we should have enough time to play around with them. If we do not have enough time should we care for at least 2 sugar glider tails, as most sugar glider that is maintained solitaire / himself to be stress usually can not last long. In the wild, sugar gliders can reach the age of 5-7 years. While the maintenance of good sugar gliders can live up to the age of 15 years.

A sugar glider adult size 5-6 inches, with a long tail similar to the body, where the tail serves for balance. In addition it also serves to lift the tail used to make nests (twigs and dried leaves). The tail is not strong enough to withstand heavy to lift her up so avoid sugar glider on its tail.

Maintenance of sugar glider itself was not too difficult if understand and look after the properties of these animals. Social nature of the sugar glider that allows them to be close to the pet owner. Sugar gliders are already close to their owners would even consider the employer as a shelter where he could get protection when he felt threatened, and will always follow wherever his master.

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