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Rabu, 13 Juni 2012


Economic system adopted by each nation is different. This is consistent with the philosophy and ideology of each state. As with Indonesia, the economic system adopted by the Indonesian people will differ with the economic system adopted by the United States or other countries. Indonesia initially embraced liberal economic system, in which all economic activities submitted to the public. However, because there is the influence of communism spread by the Communist Party of Indonesia, the economic system in Indonesia changed from liberal economic system into a socialist economic system.
In the New Order period, the economic system adopted by Indonesia are converted back into a system of economic democracy. This system lasted until the Reformation. After the Reformation, the government implemented an economic system based on democratic economy. This system is still in force in Indonesia.A. Indonesia Economic System
Economic system adopted by each nation is different. This is consistent with the philosophy and ideology of each state. As with Indonesia, the economic system adopted by the Indonesian people will differ with the economic system adopted by the United States or other countries. Indonesia initially embraced liberal economic system, in which all economic activities submitted to the public. However, because there is the influence of communism spread by the Communist Party of Indonesia, the economic system in Indonesia changed from liberal economic system into a socialist economic system.
In the New Order period, the economic system adopted by Indonesia are converted back into a system of economic democracy. This system lasted until the Reformation. After the Reformation, the government implemented an economic system based on democratic economy. This system is still in force in Indonesia. Here is a form of economic system in Indonesia from the New Order period to the present.A. Democracy Economic System
Indonesia has a foundation that is ideal rights Pancasila and 1945 Constitution is the constitutional basis. Therefore, any form of activitysociety and state should be based on Pancasila and 1945 Constitution. Economic system in Indonesia should also be based on Pancasila and 1945 Constitution. National economic system is based on Pancasila and 1945 Constitution drawn up to realize the economic and democratic basis for the implementation of economic development. Indonesia's economic system is based on Pancasila and 1945 Constitution called democratic economic system. Thus the economic system of democracy can be defined as a national economic system which embodies the philosophy of Pancasila and 1945 Constitution, which berasaskan kinship and mutual cooperation of, by, and for the people under the direction and supervision of the government.
In the system of economic democracy, good government and the people of the economically weak and entrepreneurs active in efforts to achieve national prosperity. In addition, the state role in planning, guiding, and directing the activities of the economy. Thus there is cooperation and mutual assistance between government, private, and community.
2. Democracy Economic System
System in force in Indonesia's economy since the Reformation in Indonesia in 1998. The Government was determined to carry out community economic system by issuing a decree of the Republic of Indonesia People's Consultative Assembly No. IV/MPR/1999, on the Outline of State Policy which states that Indonesia's economic system is a system of social economy. In the system of economy, society holds active in economic activity, while the government creates a healthy climate for business growth and development. Populist economic system has the following characteristics.a. Relies on market mechanisms to the principle of fair competition.b. Notice of economic growth, justice, social interests, and quality of life.c. Able to achieve environmentally sustainable development.d. Guarantee equal opportunities in business and work.e. The protection of consumer rights and fair treatment for all people

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