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Rabu, 13 Juni 2012


The role of English is undeniable again in this century. How could I not, if most of the elite field of work in almost all countries put English Skill as a mandatory requirement for hiring. it is reasonable to do, especially considering if perusaahan it is a company on an international scale, it means that employees who were recruited had to be of international standard, one of which is an international foreign language acquisition, namely English. awareness of the importance of English as it turned out so many times to find out information on scholarships abroad and all of them require the TOEFL. unmitigated minimum TOEFL score is 550. It's an uphill battle for an Indonesia to meet these standards, given our native language is Indonesian but by no means an impossibility. When compared with our neighboring countries in Southeast Asia, we are still too far behind the English proficiency of those, let's say Malaysia, Brunei, Filipinos who notabenenya population have English language skills are pretty good compared to us (read: Indonesia). It is also the cause of many young people do not dare speculate Indonesia is hunting for scholarships to foreign countries have not been able to achieve the target TOEFL required by the donor. Foreign language skills are also often indicated as one of the things that show the progress of a nation in global competition. so the main population of the younger generation's inability to conquer the English language is membat rate or rank the competitiveness of Indonesia's human resources or our Human Resource Index is ranked 111 in the year 2010, either in the year 2012 it is even more degenerate, it is certainly disappointing when compared with Malaysia's world ranking at level 50. I hope this short article could inspire the government to provide good facilities for the improvement of foreign language skills, especially English for the younger generation, and it does not mean the younger generation want to forget the nation's cultural roots, no. This simply want to make this nation a more dignified in the eyes of the international. and in the end all hope, Indonesian language can still be preserved by the younger generation who are also capable using English in the international arena to introduce Indonesia globally, in addition, it is expected the young generation ndonesia also has a strong will in mastering the English language, especially from educators element .

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