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Minggu, 17 Mei 2015

Macam-Macam Jenis Sugar Glider

Jenis-Jenis Sugar Glider
Berikut dijabarkan beberapa jenis sugar glider.
1.Classic Grey

Image taken from thegliderpouch.com

Jenis sugar glider classic grey adalah jenis yang paling umum ditemui di indonesia. Ciri-ciri sugar glider jenis classic grey adalah bulunya yang berwarna abu-abu. Classic grey adalah jenis sugar glider yang paling murah harganya dibanding jenis lain.


Image taken from sugarglider.com

Jenis sugar glider yang kedua adalah jenis albino. Sugar glider jenis ini tidak memiliki pigmen warna di tubuhnya, menjadikan setiap inci tubuhnya berwarna putih dan matanya berwarna merah. Sugar glider jenis albino termasuk jenis sugar glider yang paling mahal harganya. Di indonesia sendiri, harga seekor sugar glider albino diatas 15 juta.


Image taken from adpost.com

Jenis sugar glider yang ketiga adalah jenis sugar glider leucistic. Sekilas, jenis sugar glider ini mirip sugar glider albino. Perbedaan sugar glider leucistic dengan sugar glider albino terletak pada warna matanya. Warna mata sugar glider albino berwarna merah, sementara warna sugar glider leucistic berwarna hitam. Harga sugar glider leucistic 10-15 juta, meski ditemukan pula sugar glider leucistic yang harganya jauh lebih mahal.

4.Whita Face

Jenis sugar glider yang keempat adalah jenis sugar glider white face. Jenis sugar glider ini mirip dengan jenis classic grey. Perbedaannya adalah bulu sugar glider white face berwarna sedikit lebih putih dibandingkan jenis classic grey. Seperti namanya, sugar glider white face juga memiliki area berwarna putih lebih luas di wajahnya dibandingkan sugar glider classic grey. Harga seekor sugar glider jenis white face berkisar antara 2 hingga 4 juta rupiah perekornya, meski ada pula yang menjual dibawah dari harga tersebut.

5.White Tip

Image taken from azsugargliders.com

enis sugar glider selanjutnya adalah jenis white tip. Seperti namanya, jenis sugar glider ini memiliki ekor yang memiliki bagian berwarna putih. Secara fisik, jenis sugar glider white tip memiliki kesamaan fisik dengan sugar glider white face. Harga sugar glider white tip sedikit lebih mahal dibandingkan sugar glider jenis white face. Harga sugar glider white tip berkisar antara 6 hingga 8 juta perekornya.


image taken from sarahs-sugar-shack.com

Jenis sugar glider yang keenam adalah jenis mosaic. Jenis sugar glider ini memiliki sifat fisik mirip dengan sugar glider leucistic dengan guratan-guratan corak berwarna abu-abu muda mirip sugar glider white face. Harga sugar glider mosaic berkisar antara 6 hingga 15 juta perekornya.

Demikian adalah artikel tentang jenis-jenis sugar glider yang banyak dipelihara oleh para adopter baik dalam maupun luar negeri. Semoga artikel tersebut bisa membantu anda dalam memilih sugar glider.

Sumber : http://jual-beli-hewan-peliharaan.blogspot.com/2013/11/jenis-jenis-sugar-glider.html

Cause Connectors

Connectors or linkers are words or groups of words that help us connect words, phrases or sentences. Thanks to them, we can express relationships between ideas and improve our expression by making longer, more complex sentences.

For example, take these two sentences:
Our teacher was ill. We had to put off the exam.

The first sentence is the cause of the second, and the second is the result of the first. The idea would be understood more easily if we could express the relation between both sentences.
Thus, we could say:
Our teacher was ill, therefore we had to put off the exam.
We had to put off the exam because our teacher was ill.

As you can see, these two examples sound better than the first two sentences, thanks to the use of the connectors therefore and because.

Connectors can be used to show contrast, purpose, sequence, etc. but today we will be concentrating on the linking words that show cause or result.

  • Conjunctions followed by a complete sentence:
    • Because: it usally follows the main clause: Everybody likes her because she's very kind and friendly.
    • As and since are very similar. As is less formal than since. They are used when the reason is well known. The clauses that start with these words often begin the sentence:

As I was very tired, I went to bed early.
 Since you are not interested, I won't tell you about it.
(As and since can also be used as time connectors).
    • For suggests that the reason is given as an afterthought. For-clauses never come at the beginning of the sentence. For is mainly used in literary texts, therefore, it is very formal. We listened eagerly, for he brought news of our families.
  • Connectors followed by a noun, a noun phrase, a pronoun or a gerund:
    • Because of: They have had problems raising cash because of the credit crunch.
    • Due to and owing to are considered by many speakers as exact equivalents, but this is not so, because due to is adjectival (it follows a noun or pronoun), whereas owing to is adverbial (it complements a verb). Compare these examples:
      The game was cancelled owing to torrential rain. 
      The cancellation of the game was due to torrential rain.
      If you are doubtful as to which of these you can use, here's a trick: try to substitute due to with “caused by” and see if it works. *The game was cancelled caused by torrential rain.* doesn't sound correct, so it's not possible to use due to in this case. On the other hand, The cancellation of the game was caused by torrential rain, sounds fine.
      Owing to is interchangeable with because of: The game was cancelled because of torrential rain.
    • On account of: The nurse had to keep the baby in another room on account of my illness.
    • Thanks to suggests that there is some cause for gratitude, though it can be used sarcastically. She was given a scholarship thanks to her excellent grades.
  • Thus (very formal): He was the eldest son, and thus, heir to the title.
  • Therefore (formal, used mainly in written English): She is only seventeen and therefore not eligible to vote.
  • As a result: There has been a rise in the number of accidents. As a result, the government has decided to lower the speed limit. As a result of is followed by a noun, pronoun or gerund. Can you rewrite the previous example using as a result of?
     As a result of the rise in the number of accidents, the government...
  • So (less formal): There was nothing on TV, so I decided to go to bed.
  • That's why: Cold temperatures kill mosquitos. That's why you won't see them in winter.
  • For this reason: The Colonel was confident that war was impending, and for this reason he hurried his preparations to leave the country.
  • Consequently (used especially in written English): This poses a threat to the food chain, and consequently to human health.
Sumber : http://inmadom-myenglishclass.blogspot.com/2011/05/connectors-showing-cause-and-result.html

Tugas Softskill Bulan Ke-3 (Cause Connectors, Passive Voice, and Causative Verb)

Exercise 32:
1.   Enough People
2.   French Enough
3.   Enough Time
4.   Fast Enough
5.   Soon Enough
6.   Early Enough
7.   Hard Enough
8.   Enough Slowly
9.   Enough Flour
10. Enough Books

Exercise 33:
1.   Because
2.   Because
3.   Because Of
4.   Because
5.   Because Of
6.   Because Of
7.   Because Of
8.   Because
9.   Because
10. Because Of

Exercise 34:
1.    So
2.    Such
3.    So
4.    So
5.    Such
6.    So
7.    Such
8.    So
9.    So
10.  Such
11.  So
12.  So
13.  Such
14.  So
15.  So

Exercise 35:
1. The president is being called (by somebody) everyday.
2. The other members are being called by John.
3. Mr. Watson will be called (by somebody) tonight.
4. Considerable damage was caused by the fire.
5. The supplies for this class should be bought by the teacher.

Exercise 36:
1.    Leave
2.    Repaired
3.    Type
4.    Call
5.    Painted
6.    Write
7.    Lie
8.    Send
9.    Cut
10.  Sign
11.  Leave
12.  Wash
13.  Fixed
14.  Published
15.  Find