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Senin, 20 April 2015

Comparison Degree

Definition Degree of Comparison 
Degree of comparison is the form of an adjective or adverb which states comparisons. There are three degree of comparison, namely: positive, comparative, and superlative degree.Wide, Rules, and Example Sentence Degrees of Comparison 

Positive Degree 
When used to express the comparison, positive degree should be used together with said axle. Positive degree has a standard form without change: big, carefully, difficult,, easy, rich, etc.Example Sentences Positive Degree: 
1.The task is not as difficult, as you imagine. (Adjective)
2.He drives as carefully as my father in the residential area. (Adverb) 

Comparative Degree 
Comparative comparative adjective and adverb used to compare two things. Adjective or adverb mostly one syllable added the suffix -er, whereas two or more syllables beginning with the word more. Especially for two-syllable adjectives ending in -y, the suffix is ​​removed and then added -ier. When in the sentence, the degree of comparison is usually accompanied by words than.
Both superlative adjective or adverb superlative function to compare three or more things. The majority of the syllables added suffix -est, while more than one syllable begins with the word most. As for the two-syllable adjectives ending in -y, the suffix is ​​removed and then added -iest. When in the sentence, the superlative degree preceded by the word.

Sumber : http://www.wordsmile.com/pengertian-contoh-kalimat-degrees-comparison 

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